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Mars the red planet


Very different worlds

The planets in the solar system are very different from the world we know on earth. They consist of eight planets, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Pluto was previously considered a real planet, but now belongs to the category of dwarf planets. The many moons, comets and asteroids are also part of our solar system. 

Comet C 2022 E3 ZTF

Comet 2022 E3 ZTF passing by Earth February 2023. 

Venus by dawn

Venus at dawn photographed facing east in March 2022.

Clouds of Venus

Venus before sunset photographed facing vest in early April 2023.

The rusty faces of Mars

Mars is the fourth planet from our sun, it is smaller than the earth but has 2 moons (Phobos, Deimos). A year on Mars is 687 days long, but a day (a Sol or martian day) is about the same as on earth.

Face of Mars

Mars the little red planet, here you will find sandstorms and ice at the poles. August 2022.

Mars surface
Mars closest approach

The big boy in the hood


Jupiter and moons

Jupiter with its tree biggest moons, Io, Callisto and Europa.

The great red spot on Jupiter

Jupiter the largest planet in our solar system, notice the great red eye, a massive anticyclonic storm in the atmosphere that produces extreme wind speeds. Photographed in July 2022.

Moons of Jupiter

Moons of Jupiter

Moon shaddow on Jupiter

A moon casting its shaddow on the surface of Jupiter

"The iconic ring system of Saturn"


Saturn with its recognizable rings

Ice giants far out

Uranus and Neptue

Uranus the ice giant

Uranus 2022

Neptune cold worlds

Neptune in the sky above Copenhagen 2022.

A happy astrophotography beginner

About Me

Since my childhood, astronomy and space travel have been one of my greatest interests. I dreamed of exploring the universe with my own telescope and being able to image distant galaxies, stars and planets. 


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All images, illustrative photographs, homepage and design, are my own creation - Henrik Mortensen 2022

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